
Zeropolis recommends following books

Urban Transformation Design

#urbandesign #urbanplanning #transformation #urbanism

Our future is decided in the cities. Current urbanization is not sustainable because it is based on an economic and social model that threatens to destroy its own foundations. Our urban living spaces and the way they are designed must and will therefore change radically. The question is whether by disaster or by design.

Hişar Schönfeld, Birkhäuser Publishers

The fragmented city

#fragmentation #urban spaces #conflicts of use

Where people live closely together, there is competition and displacement. Almost as a matter of course, we accept that many public spaces are no longer used equally by all population groups. This happens quite unnoticed and contradicts the ideal of a democratic, open society with equal members. How do people who are on the margins of society (or see themselves there) experience public urban spaces? Where do they feel welcome, where not? Where, how and why do conflicts of use arise? The project The Fragmented City explores these questions. Observations, walks and encounters taking place over three years in Berlin, Graz and Zurich form the basis of four artistic-ethnographic approaches to experiences of exclusion and strategies of appropriation.

Krusche, Doeming, Schärer, Weber, Jovis Publishing House

The Resilient City

#resilience #urban planning #sustainability #climate change

Landscape architecture is particularly in demand in urban areas with regard to climate change, precisely because it offers a variety of solutions that are characterized by complexity and interdisciplinarity and contribute to the quality of everyday life. These range from green roofs and facades to urban gardening and the landscaping of large-scale protected areas. This volume presents measures and plans from eleven major cities in North and South America, from Vancouver to Rio de Janeiro, that are designed to protect their inhabitants and their habitats in their climatic context against future storms, flooding, landslides, or long periods of heat and drought. The author also addresses the social and cultural dimensions of resilience.

Elke Mertens, Birkhäuser Publishers

Sustainable Urban Planning

#vibrant neighbourhoods #smartcities #resilience

City living is popular, and creating livable urban space is undoubtedly a priority for planners. But what makes a city livable? How do we define sustainable neighborhoods that work and continue to attract people in the future? What does "smart city" or "resilience" really mean? The completely revised new edition of this publication provides the answers. It addresses the fundamental challenges of today's urban planning and offers planners essential knowledge, implementation strategies, and paths to holistic concept development. Examples of international neighborhood developments clearly show how aspects of sustainable urban planning can be implemented in practice.

Bott, Grassl, Anders, Edition Detail

Climate building

#spatial planning #urban planning #nettonull #climate-neutral building

Buildings cause around one third of CO2 emissions in Switzerland - in some cases even more abroad. 'Climate building. An encyclopedia on architecture, planning and landscape on the way to net zero' shows how we can plan and build in a climate-friendly way - from spatial planning to architecture and landscape architecture. The little green book helps architects and planners on their way to net-zero with more than sixty concrete, descriptive tips from A for excavation to Z for additives. The texts are short and concise, illustrations lighten up the text pages. The handy format fits in a jacket pocket and is thus always at hand when a client needs to be convinced or an entrepreneur encouraged. For Urban Zéro a valuable tool, so that the various aspects of a re-design of the city can be discussed accordingly.

Andreas Herzog, Edition Hochparterre

City, Climate and Architecture

#microclimate #urbanism #architectureandclimate

A central concern of architecture in urban space is climate control from the perspective of urban climate phenomena throughout the 20th century. Based on the history of urban climate control, it promotes the integration of indoor and outdoor spaces to reduce environmental and thermal pollution. Just as heating and cooling practices within buildings affect (urban) climate, urban heat islands affect energy demand and thermal conditions within buildings. Free download.

Sascha Roesler, Birkhäuser Publishers

Mobility Design, the future of mobility

#mobility design #mobility experience #mobility

Climate change and the scarcity of resources, as well as the constant increase in traffic, make it essential to develop new solutions for environmentally friendly and people-friendly mobility. The smooth and safe transition from one form of mobility to another, the use of different individual, shared or public means of transport on one route, must be possible in the future in a comfortable and simple way to give people a positive mobility experience. Already today, there are concepts and realized infrastructure projects that make the future of sustainable and connected mobility tangible in an exemplary way. This volume focuses on the importance of design: over 60 pioneering projects from the fields of design, architecture and urban planning are presented with the help of photos, plan drawings and short texts. With this international overview, Mobility Design not only highlights the current state of sustainable mobility systems, but also dedicates itself to mobility as one of the most important design tasks of the future.

Peter Eckart, Jovis Publishing House

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